Monday, December 12, 2011

What is a good golf driver club for a beginning golfer?

I will be going to the golf driving range so i need a good beginners driving club...

which one do you recommend?|||If you're just starting out, any fifty dollar one from a used sporting good store should do. Why waste good coin if you're not going to like it?|||鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

here are two really dependable sources.

but also if u want my opinion, just go 2 a decent golfshop (or golf course proshop) n ask!

some employees have no idea bout golf/equipment so be careful but they can tell you which driver will be good 4 ur swing speed n stuff. Trust me, u dnt hav 2 buy anything 2 ask these guys.

also, YOU DO NOT HAV TO BUY BRAND NEW CLUBS! there wnt be huge difference if u r buying a newer model, but if u r considering 1 yr or 2 yr old models, u can get used clubs in really decent conditions super CHEAP! but always buy the used clubs at the shop not online..u cnt really c if the conditions okay or not.

hope this helps :)|||TaylorMade R7 460 Driver,callaway big bertha is a very forgiving club.Just go to a golf shop and hit a bunch of different clubs. Buy whatever feels the best for you.

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