Thursday, December 15, 2011

What is the difference between MRH and MLH golf gloves?

I'm thinking of buying a few golf gloves for my brother's birthday but when I look it up they have MLH or MRH golf gloves for the same type and I have no clue what the difference is...

also, i've narrowed down my choices to Taylormade, 3m greptile, mizuno, or footjoy gloves...i was wondering if anyone could also add in which they preferred and why?

Thanks!|||MLH- mens left hand (or for right handed swingers)

MRH- Mens right hand (or for left handed swingers)

I used footjoy for a long time until I recieved a free mizuno glove at a junior tournament i played in, then i fell in love with these. They fit very nice and last pretty long.|||MRH goes on your right hand, MLH goes on the left. If he plays right handed you want the MLH glove. The best gloves and best value are the Cabretta leather gloves from MG Golf out of Dallas Texas. Mail order, two for about $15.|||If he's right handed, buy the MLH which stands for men's left hand. If he's left handed, the MRH which stands for mens right hand. Footjoy gloves are good...|||mens right hand mens left hand

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